Street Name Changes

The Yavapai County Board of Supervisors will only consider street name changes where there is a name duplication within an emergency response area, or if the street name conflicts with the Street Naming & Addressing Ordinance (contained within the Yavapai County Planning & Zoning Ordinance(PDF, 5MB)). The Board of Supervisors will not consider street name changes due to trivial matters, such as a general dislike of the existing road name. The process to change a roadway name requires the following:

  • Signatures of at least 51% of the adjacent property owners
  • A filing fee of $310 plus an additional $20 per adjacent parcel regardless of access
  • Recorded map or legal description of the proposed road name change in its entirety
  • Complete mailing list of all adjacent property owners regardless of whether they signed the petition or not
  • After all documents have been completed, please submit your application and all necessary paperwork through our online portal listed here:

The change process must go to the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors for a final decision.