Environmental Disease Control

What is the Environmental Disease Control program?

The Environmental Disease Program evaluates health concerns that may or may not be related to:

Why is it needed?

To protect humans, pets and livestock from all of the above, which may become a health hazard for the community.

Is there a cost?

Property owners are responsible for controlling and/or abating pest and rodent infestations that may occur on their property.

What are the goals of the program?

To safeguard the public health.

What has the program achieved?

The Environmental Health Unit does mosquito surveillance and trapping throughout Yavapai County to detect West Nile Virus in local areas. This has allowed us to keep the community informed and take action to protect the public health.

Where are the services for the Program available?

Our offices are in Prescott, Prescott Valley and Cottonwood-serving the entire county.

Contact the Yavapai County Environmental Health Inspection and Food Safety Unit for more information.