Mission Statement
Building Safety provides plan review, inspections and enforcement of the currently adopted building codes. We are here to serve and protect the public from unsafe building practices by providing reasonable control for construction use and occupancy of buildings and all components.
2006 International Energy Conservation Code Documents
Inspection Process Overview
Once your permit is issued, you can schedule inspections through our online portal. To begin, you will need to log in using the email address of the property owner, the listed contractor, or the permit applicant. Once logged in with an email address related to the permit, go to VIEW MY REQUESTS and choose the permit from the Issued permits list. Once you open the permit, click REQUEST AN INSPECTION at the left. Building Inspections must be scheduled one day in advance and can be scheduled up until midnight the night before.
Work to be inspected must be ready at the time the inspection is requested. Please see our Residential Inspection Checklist for a partial list of what is expected at various stages of construction. Failure to be ready for the requested inspection may result in a $300.00 reinspection fee. Inspections are performed between the hours of 7:30am and 3:00pm Monday through Friday. If you have questions regarding the estimated time of arrival on the jobsite, or questions regarding code requirements for your project, you may speak to your inspector by calling Building Safety between the hours of 7:00am to 7:30am.
You must receive an approved inspection at least every 180 days, showing substantial progress, or your permit may expire. In the event a project is justifiably delayed, you may apply for a six-month extension, which must be submitted through the Citizenserve portal and approved by Building Safety. A second six-month extension, upon expiration of the first, may also be available by the same process.
Virtual inspections are available for limited inspection types, though an on-site inspection may be deemed necessary at the Building Inspector's discretion. Virtual inspections are scheduled on the Citizenserve portal for specific timeslots between 8:00am and 12:00pm. For more information, please see the tutorial(PDF, 1MB) and our schedule inspections page.
Yavapai County Adopted Codes and Ordinances