Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council makes data-driven decisions to address criminal justice in Yavapai County. The Council works to promote public safety and explore the root causes of criminal behavior, helping to create a better community.
The Council was created to support communications and collaboration between justice system officials, advisory bodes, agencies and departments, and community leaders. Members of the Council meet regularly to discuss strategies and breakthroughs in the area of criminal justice.
Agendas and Minutes
The Yavapai County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC or council) was established by former Superior Court Presiding Judge Robert M. Brutinel to foster information sharing and collaboration among key criminal justice system decision-makers. The council has operated in this capacity under the general guidance of the Yavapai County Superior Court for nearly twenty years. During this time, the CJCC has been useful in addressing numerous operational issues and responding to critical situations, such as the recent pandemic. However, despite its impressive tenure, the council has not developed a robust organizational structure to enhance its effectiveness in improving the local criminal justice system. Under the current leadership of Superior Court Presiding Criminal Judge Krista M. Carman, the CJCC aims to adopt best practices and has engaged the Justice Management Institute (JMI) for technical assistance. JMI, a non-profit organization specializing in CJCCs, recently partnered with the National institute of Corrections (NIC) to publish two groundbreaking documents: the National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils and Essential Elements for CJCCs. JMI also operates the National Network of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils (NNCJCC), which brings together forty high-performing CJCCs from across the country to empower CJCCs to drive positive change through knowledge sharing, advocacy, and innovation. As part of the Yavapai County CJCC transformation process, JMI conducted a review of the council’s current state using the above resources. This report captures the findings of the assessment and provides several recommendations for the council’s consideration.
Assessment of the Yavapai County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council(PDF, 184KB)
Yavapai County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Bylaws(PDF, 1MB)