Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Can I do work of any kind in the county right-of-way?

Please see our Right-of-Way Permits page.

Can I landscape in the county right-of-way?

A right-of-way permit is required to landscape within the limits of a maintained county right-of-way. Please contact the Public Works Department for a permit application, a list of requirements, and associated fees.

Will the county trim tree branches obstructing intersections?

The Road Division is responsible for trimming brush and trees that grow within the public right-of-way. (Adjacent to roadways)

If you see an area where the trees or brush obstruct visibility of the roadway, on-coming traffic, or associated traffic control devices, please call the Roads Division.

Brush growing along right-of-way that may obstruct vision from a private driveway is the responsibility of the property owner (or driveway owner).


Does the county clean out or repair alleys?

With the exception of keeping alleys accessible for fire and emergency vehicles, the Road Division does not perform alley maintenance. Alley maintenance is the responsibility of the private homeowner, property agent (for rental property) or business owner.

How can citizens help?

Citizens can assist us by reporting potentially hazardous road and drainage conditions to the Roads Division, and by noting the exact location of the problem (street and cross street). Emergencies occurring during non-business hours and on weekends should be reported to the Sheriff's Department. The County can then take appropriate action.

Click here for a list of local numbers to be utilized in outlying areas to reach the Yavapai County switchboard in Prescott.

How can I get my road paved?

Yavapai County is governed by State Statues as to how public funds are spent on roadways. Arizona Revised Statues 18-207 identifies how public funds may be spent on roads other than established County highways.


The Road Division receives its funding from the Highway User Revenue Fund (gasoline taxes) and a portion of vehicle license tax fees, not state sales taxes or local property taxes.  

How do I get my road maintained by Yavapai County?

Public roadways of Yavapai County may be added to the official road inventory if dedicated and constructed to current county roadway design standards(PDF, 4MB), recommended for approval by the Public Works Director and approved for maintenance by the Board of Supervisors. Cost of improvement is the responsibility of the developer or property owners for that area.

How do I know if a road is maintained by Yavapai County?

The Road Division maintains approximately 1,600 miles of paved and unpaved roads in the unincorporated areas of Yavapai County.

No road fund labor, equipment, or material shall be used on roads that have not been approved for maintenance. To find out if a road has been approved for and is receiving County maintenance please contact the Public Works Department.

Please have your Assessor's tax identification number (parcel number) available when calling so that we may verify your exact location.

How do I know if my road is public?

If you are not sure if a road is public, please contact the Yavapai County Public Works Department.

Please have your Assessor's tax identification number (parcel number) available when calling so that we may verify your exact location.

Yavapai County can only verify whether a roadway is public and whether that roadway is approved for maintenance. Yavapai County does not have the capability to research the legal status of every roadway. If you are unsure of the legal status of your roadway or legal access to your property, please contact your title company for assistance.

What about snowplowing my road?

The Road Department performs snow removal on roads maintained by Yavapai County. Snow removal is scheduled based on the level of priority for the roadway. Arterial and major collector roads have first priority. Minor collector roads are second priority, with the local roads and the lowest priority.

What is a public roadway?

A public roadway is the entire width of property held for any road under the exclusive control of the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors, whether held by deed, easement, dedication, or other claim of right, including bridges.

What is Yavapai County's policy regarding roadway maintenance issues?

Yavapai County Board of Supervisors established a written maintenance policy in 2013 which was superseded by Ordinance 2020-4(PDF, 119KB), adopted December 16, 2020.

Who is responsible for cleaning out my driveway culvert?

Our Roads Division does not install, maintain, or clean out driveway culverts. This is the sole responsibility of the property owner. Contact the Public Works Department for Access & Drainage Permit information. Roadway culverts are maintained by the Roads Division.

Who should I call if I see a traffic sign down or damaged?

If you should see a traffic sign down or damaged, it should be reported to the Yavapai County Sign Shop at (928) 771-3119 during regular working hours to assure prompt repair and/or replacement. After 5:00 PM call (928) 771-3183.

Who should I call to report a pothole?

Yavapai County maintains approximately 800 miles of paved roads. Maintenance requirements for this roadway systems include overlays, chip seal, and slurry seal. Another aspect of routine maintenance by the Roads Division is the repair of potholes. Crews inspect the roads and patch holes in the road surfaces as they occur. When you see a pothole, call the Roads Division to assure that a service request is written and the pothole will be repaired.