Yavapai County Scenic and Historic Route Program

Adopted April 20, 2009

Yavapai Scenic/Historic Route sign Introduction

The State of Arizona currently has a "Parkways, Scenic and Historic Roads" designation that was established into law in 1982 under Arizona Revised Statutes ARS 41-512 through ARS 41-518. The Arizona Department of Transportation is the agency responsible for the implementation of this program, which allows for a parkway/scenic/historic designation on city, county, tribal, state and federal routes.

Although any route may be granted a designation, only state or federal routes have received a designation under this authority to date. This can be attributed to the criteria of the State's program, which is weighted towards the statewide significance of each route that is nominated. This makes receiving a state designation for smaller local routes much more difficult when compared to other major routes across the State of Arizona.

The primary purpose of establishing a Yavapai County Scenic/Historic Route Program is to create a program with the primary focus being on local Yavapai County routes and to create a designation process that is less restrictive and smaller in scope than the State's program. As a result, this local designation will provide the opportunity for routes in Yavapai County, which may not necessarily receive a high statewide ranking, to be recognized and to highlight the historical importance and scenic opportunities of these routes in Yavapai County within a local context.


Routes that are eligible for designation under this program are limited to routes that are located within County owned and maintained right-of-way in unincorporated Yavapai County only. As a result, the Yavapai County Public Works Department is responsible for the implementation of the Scenic/Historic Route program.


Routes may be nominated by any interested group or individual to the Scenic/Historic Route Advisory Committee (SHRAC) through the Yavapai County Public Works Department.