Business Personal Property

What is Business Personal Property?

For property tax purposes in Arizona, business personal property is defined as all types of property except real estate. Taxable personal property includes property used for commercial, industrial, and agricultural purposes. Personal property is considered to be movable and not permanently attached to real estate. Although there are exceptions, personal property usually can be removed without causing damage to either the real estate from which it is removed or to the item of property itself. Property taxes in Arizona are imposed on both real and business personal property.

How is Personal Property Valued?

Based on original cost and age of all personal property in your possession as of December 31st of the prior year, the County Assessor will calculate the current replacement cost new less depreciation (Full Cash Value) of each item. The Assessed Value is based on the Full Cash Value after application of any qualifying exemption amount and the assessment ratio for the legal class of the property. The tax rates for the county and local governmental jurisdictions in which the business operates are applied to the Assessed value. The original cost of a personal property item includes the purchase price plus all freight and installation costs as well as any paid sales tax for the item.

Filing & Reporting

Reports must be postmarked, emailed or faxed on or before April 1st! Failure to complete and return the statement by the April 1st deadline will result in a 10% penalty.

Where do I send the form?

Mail: Yavapai County Assessor
Attn: Business Personal Property
1015 Fair Street
Prescott, AZ 86305
Fax: (928) 771-3181, Attn: Business Personal Property
Email: (see E-Filing Instructions below)

E-Filing Instructions

E-Filing is now available for Business Personal Property statements.

To E-File your Active/Disposed Property List (Asset Listing), just submit in Microsoft Excel format ONLY, along with the signed Business Personal Property Statement. The file format for both active & disposal lists are to include:

  • Account Number (if available)
  • Company Name
  • Location (site address, city & zip code)
  • Asset Description
  • Asset Acquisition Year
  • Asset Acquisition Cost (only positive costs, no negative figures)

Email your Asset Listing and your signed Business Personal Property Statement to: .

If you have additional questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact the Assessor's Office at (928) 771-3220 or at the email address listed above.